Agile BK - How Does This Work?

We use the Agile approach with your books to break things down into a weekly cycle, making each week feel like a mini month-end close. As long as you’ve provided all the necessary documents and addressed everything on your Open Items list, your books stay up-to-date every week.

What is the Agile Approach?

Agile is a method for breaking work down into small, iterative batches with frequent deliverables. Traditional finance cycles include annual, quarterly, and monthly cycles, but we find these cycles still too large. Too much work piles up (who needs the extra stress?), and you wait too long for relevant reporting that helps you make important decisions.

So, we break things down to a weekly cycle. It keeps everything bite-sized. Combined with our technology and software to speed things up, we aim to need only about 15 minutes of your time each week.

What we do for you each week:

  • Classify all invoices and receipts that you upload
  • Match all bank payments/deposits to the relevant transactions
  • Integrate and sync all sales from e-Commerce and POS systems
  • Run a full suite of reconciliations to ensure accuracy and completeness
  • Run variance analytics to catch and review any potential errors

What we need from you each week (it’s easy, really!):

  • Upload receipts and invoices (or forward emailed invoices) in Dext.
  • Check your Open Items on the homepage of your portal for a live list of missing documents or questions from your analyst.
That’s it! Once your Open Items list is cleared you can run your reporting with confidence in the accuracy of your books, process payments to Vendors through Plooto, and focus on what you love doing.
Agile BK Bookkeeping Process flowchart

What about when you have payroll or a tax remittance due?

We know that payroll and tax remittances don’t always fit into the weekly cycle. But that’s ok—when certain weeks contain deadlines for payroll, tax remittances, or any other external deadline, we just add it to the tasks for the week and ensure it gets done on time!

What about when you have questions?

Fire away! We are here to help, and your dedicated analyst, along with a whole team, is always ready to assist. The easiest way to get in touch is by emailing us at We use a ticketing-style system to ensure your request reaches your analyst, and you can expect a response within 1–2 business days (we’re usually pretty quick at responding though).